Tuesday 19 February 2013

Just created my Twitter account and activated the app on my Netvibes page so feel I can follow tweets without getting overwhelmed.
I have yet to post a message or retweet a message. I thought  you needed a mobile phone to tweet- so am reassured it's not essential. Some-one I know uses Tweetdeck to organise her Tweets. I'm not sure I'll need that. I'm already reading Tweets about thinngs I don't want/need to know about!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Monday 4 February 2013

Just added a couple of RSS feeds to my NetVibes home page, University of Southampton news and 23things. I have chosen a bookshelf as my theme and have managed to move some of the widgets around the page. I wasn't sure why I would use Netvibes rather than Favourites but I can see if I do a bit more work I will enjoy having my own Netvibes webpage.
I deleted several of the standard widgets but kept Facebook and flikr as we will be looking at them later. I'm getting login fatigue-I'll have to keep a record of some of them-AND we've got to change our university password too!
I've used Doodle but don't know how to link it to Outlook.